Agave Road Trip

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How to Drive in Mexico Without Getting Killed

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How to Drive in Mexico Without Getting Killed Agave Road Trip

I tell a lot of stories about driving through Mexico — about the dried-up riverbeds that serve as roads to rural communities, about the car rental agencies that sometimes need to be threatened before they get you your car, about the expansive beauty of the Sierra Madres. But perhaps the strongest reactions I get are to tales of driving through blockades — roadblocks set up by protestors to intentionally create traffic problems as a way of making a political statement. That’s what we cover in this week’s episode of Agave Road Trip! (But the support material on this page, below, will help you if you want to drive through Mexico.)

This episode of Agave Road Trip is brought to you by Flask Fine Wines. Flask Fine Wines offers nationwide shipping of fine wines and spirits, including vintage spirits and heritage agave spirits. Learn more, and get your next bottle, at

Agave Road Trip is a podcast that helps gringo bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. It’s hosted by Lou Bank and Chava Periban. 

If, when you get there, the rental agency says they are sold out of the SUV you reserved and instead try to move you to a BMW 5 Series, show them the video below and tell them that’s the same road you’ll be driving on. Then ask them … are they really out of SUVs?