Agave Road Trip

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Healthy living through mezcal

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The cigarettes you smoke and the food you eat will kill you sooner than the alcohol you drink. But make no mistake: in the USA, alcohol consumption is the third leading preventable cause of death. And yet, alcohol also brings people together, which has its own health benefits. So is there a healthier way to drink alcohol? Chava pitches Cocktail MD, Dr. Ryan Aycock, on agave spirits as the healthful answer in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

Since 2009, SiKanda has been supporting Oaxaca’s under-served communities. Almost 5,000 people annually see their lives improved by this Mexican NGO. They’ve built and stocked six green libraries and four rain-harvest hygiene stations, benefiting around 800 children and youth, and they’ve provided training and business coaching for over 120 female entrepreneurs — and much of that work has been done with the recycler communities that have grown around the garbage dump sites in Zaachila. All of that, really, is just the tip of an ever-growing iceberg. And their small staff has done this without having offices of their own. For the past thirteen years, SiKanda has been hosted within the premises of a local bakery — a very kind gift from a very good corporation. But SiKanda now needs their own home. They’ve acquired a plot of land and found an architectural firm — Sanzpont Arquitectura — willing to donate their time to develop plans. Now we need to raise the money to make those plans a reality. The cost of these new offices will be around US$100,000. They’ve received a matching grant from 818 Tequila that will cover half of that, if we can raise the other US$50,000. SiKanda has done so much to help so many. We're asking you to help SiKanda — help them build offices that will enable them to continue their existing work, and to expand their programs that make Mexico more just and equitable. Make your fully tax-deductible contribution at -- and *thanks*!

Agave Road Trip is a critically acclaimed, award-winning podcast that helps gringx bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. It’s hosted by Lou Bank and Chava Periban. 


This week’s cover is Chema Skandal’s homage to a woodblock print by Jose Guadalupe Posada from 1900. You can purchase a silkscreen of Posada’s print by clicking here and you can check out more of Chema’s amazing art by clicking here. Expect to see this particular piece again, on a bottle….