Agave Road Trip

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Heads, Hearts, and Tails: Where You Cut Matters

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Heads, Hearts, and Tails: Where You Cut Matters Agave Road Trip

Most people, I think, are under the false impression that when you distill a spirit, what comes out of that still goes directly into the bottle. But, in fact, different distillers make different decisions about which parts of the distillation they keep and which parts they leave out — and those decisions have a profound effect on the finished flavor (and, in rural Mexico, whether or not the finished spirit can qualify for certification as “mezcal”). That’s what we talk about in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

This episode of Agave Road Trip is brought to you by Flask Fine Wines. Flask Fine Wines offers nationwide shipping of fine wines and spirits, including vintage spirits and heritage agave spirits. Learn more, and get your next bottle, at

Agave Road Trip is a podcast that helps gringo bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. It’s hosted by Lou Bank and Chava Periban. 

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