Pulque ferments so rapidly it can’t be transported outside Mexico. Unless…

… you cook it down into a caramel and stuff it into chocolate bars!


That’s what our friends at La Rifa Chocolateria did to make these Pulque Para Llevar chocolate bars. They sourced pulque — the delicious fermented sap from the uncooked agave — from Rancho Loma Ancha in Ixtapaluca, Mexico; they cooked the pulque down into a caramel; then they used it as a filling in chocolate bars they made from fermented Native Clarito cacao sourced from Monica Jimenez’s farm in Pichucalco, Chiapas.

We wrapped it all up in a package designed by the legendary Chema Skandal, and now it’s waiting for you in the USA at the fine establishments listed below!

Available at…


Seattle, WA

Monterey, CA

Oakland, CA

Seattle, WA

New Orleans, LA

Houston, TX

Chicago, IL

Chicago, IL

New York, NY

Vancouver, WA

Los Angeles, CA

San Diego, CA

Brooklyn, NY

Littleton, CO

Raleigh, NC

San Diego, CA

Do you want to offer Pulque Para Llevar chocolate bars at your bar, restaurant, or store? Click here to get our wholesale terms!