The Intersection Between Wine and Mezcal

When we think about spirits, we tend to think of a commodity alcohol that tastes the same from one batch to the next. And while that’s certainly true of many mezcals, there’s also a huge selection of bottles on the market that, like fine wines, have widely varying flavors that reflect a moment in time. So why hasn’t the wine world become obsessed with mezcal? We try to figure that out in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

This episode of Agave Road Trip is brought to you by Sombra Mezcal and their new reposado expression, Sombra Reposé. Sombra Reposé is a first-of-its-kind reposado made with Sombra's award-winning Joven mezcal, aged in Bordeaux wine barrels. Sourced from the historic and renowned Château Léoville Poyferré, a second growth wine estate in St Julien, France, the barrels are filled with Sombra's Joven mezcal and aged for up to six-months. Enjoy Sombra Reposé by sipping it straight or try it in your favorite cocktails

Agave Road Trip is a podcast that helps gringo bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. It’s hosted by Lou Bank and Chava Periban. 

Episode notes

In case you missed it … earlier this year, Chava and I were interviewed by Kara Newman for the Wine Enthusiast podcast. Click here to listen!

And … here’s the video of the full theme song!


Does Mezcal Change When Aged in Glass?


What Does It Mean, that My Mezcal is an Ensamble?