Mezcal on Ice? Hey, that’s Nice!

I think I prefer mezcal at room temperature. I mean, I’ve had it cold and didn’t find it as complex as room temp, which actually helped me get into it, in the beginning. But I’ve also had it out of the still and it was delicious, but … that had to have been at least warm, right? So what’s the right temperature to serve mezcal to your customers? We talk temp in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

This episode is brought to you by those Tales of the Cocktail sessions that are hosted by your favorite Agave Road Trip cohosts! To attend either “How Not to Kill Your Guests” or “An Imperfect Guide to the Art of Celebrating Cultures,” register at Once registered, you’ll want to download the event app, then search for either Chava Periban or Lou Bank, and our sessions will come right up!

This episode is also brought to you by Seminario 12, a space for memory and heritage located in the heart of the historic CDMX. If you’re looking for fine ceramics, tiles, and agave spirits, head to Mexico City’s zocalo — and you’ll maybe find Chava Periban there, leading a tasting! Contact them to schedule your tasting with Chava!

Agave Road Trip is a podcast that helps gringo bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. It’s hosted by Lou Bank and Chava Periban. 

Episode notes

This story in the Smithsonian Magazine sort of speaks to our theories here, though with a slanted cast. They write, “So, if you over-chill a beer or wine that is meant to be served cool or at room temperature, you could be killing its complexity.” And the point we make is … Hey, if you’re trying to get into heritage agave spirits but the complexity is too much for you, chill it. Like, you know, it’s a good thing. Seems like The Smithsonian is suggesting that’s always a bad thing.

Not good enough for you? Here’s a study: “Influence of Stimulus Temperature on Orosensory Perception and Variation with Taste Phenotype.” (Damn, even that title put me to sleep….)


Chava’s Hair Malfunction


It’s All About the Water