… and Sometimes, Even When It’s Certified, It Still Ain’t Mezcal

Profeco, the consumer-protection agency of the Mexican government, ran an analysis of 36 certified mezcal brands. They flagged a bunch of them for various violations, including the claim that Mezcal Gusano Rojo doesn’t even qualify as mezcal. What?! We drag out the dead horse that is the mezcal denomination of origin for another beating in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

What you serve your agave spirit in is just as important as which agave spirit you serve. A beautifully crafted, heritage agave spirit served in a snifter? That snifter may work great for whiskey, but it’s less than ideal for unaged, high-proof agave spirits. So what should you use? How about a vaso veladora? These traditional little glass candle holders are what you see all over Mexico for drinking. Go to mezcalforlife.com, where they stock this and other barware – or mezcaleria-ware – in bulk. For $72 mezcalforlife.com will ship you 48 of these beautiful, traditional Mexican drinking vessels. Or … use code AGAVE15 for 15% off your order. Great servicewear, at a great price, at mezcalforlife.com!

Agave Road Trip is a critically acclaimed, award-winning podcast that helps gringx bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. It’s hosted by Lou Bank and Chava Periban. 


To check out the issue of Profeco in which the Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor publishes their results of the analyses of the 36 certified mezcal brands, click here.


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Can Mezcal be Medicine?