The Golden Age of Mezcal

You’re amazed by how delicious mezcal is. It’s got your attention in a way that no other spirit does. And you think, Man, where was all this amazing stuff just five years ago? Well, it was there, in the rural Mexican communities where it’s made. And it still is. Want to know how to find it? Listen in to this episode of Agave Road Trip!

This episode of Agave Road Trip is brought to you by Monstruo de Agua Mexican Beer. Monstruo de Agua is a craft brewer in Mexico City that expresses the bio-cultural diversity of Mexican terroir in their beers by using ingredients typical of the country’s culinary and herbalist culture. For instance, 30% of the fermentable sugars used to make Monstruo de Agua Blanca de Maguey beer come from aguamiel, the unfermented sap of the agave — in this case, specifically from the salmiana agave. Monstruo de Agua Blanca de Maguey beer is the perfect beer to drink alongside mezcal and other agave spirits, and is available now throughout the USA. To find out how to bring Monstruo de Agua Blanca de Maguey in your bar, restaurant, or store, click here.

This episode is also brought to you by Washington Wine. With a landscape made to grow grapes, a culture of craft and innovation, and over 1,050 wineries and counting, Washington is home to what’s happening now in wine. Download the Map My WA Wine app for iOS and Android to plan your perfect tasting tour.

This episode of Agave Road Trip is also brought to you by SACRED, a USA-based, 501c3 not-for-profit that improves quality of life in the rural Mexican communities where heritage agave spirits are made. To learn more about our programs, including our latest initiative to build greenhouses in Jalisco to grow from seed four species of agave that are at-risk of becoming extinct, visit

Agave Road Trip is a podcast that helps gringo bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. It’s hosted by Lou Bank and Chava Periban. 

Episode notes

If you want to go to Mexico to get your share of the Golden Age of Mezcal before it’s gone, check out the notes in this older episode of Agave Road Trip for suggestions. And check out this map produced by Maguey Melate that includes geotags where you can find agave spirits producers. DIY agave road trip!


The Best Mezcal is the Most Highly Awarded Mezcal


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