The Best Mezcal is the Most Highly Awarded Mezcal

What does it mean, that this mezcal won double gold in San Francisco? What does it mean to you, to your bar, and to your customers? What does it *not* mean? We talk spirits competitions in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

This episode of Agave Road Trip is brought to you by Monstruo de Agua Mexican Beer. Monstruo de Agua is a craft brewer in Mexico City that expresses the bio-cultural diversity of Mexican terroir in their beers by using ingredients typical of the country’s culinary and herbalist culture. For instance, 30% of the fermentable sugars used to make Monstruo de Agua Blanca de Maguey beer come from aguamiel, the unfermented sap of the agave — in this case, specifically from the salmiana agave. Monstruo de Agua Blanca de Maguey beer is the perfect beer to drink alongside mezcal and other agave spirits, and is available now throughout the USA. To find out how to bring Monstruo de Agua Blanca de Maguey in your bar, restaurant, or store, click here.

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Agave Road Trip is a podcast that helps gringo bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. It’s hosted by Lou Bank and Chava Periban. 

Episode notes

Thanks to Monique Huston of Winebow for this episode’s insightful quote!

You can get your Agave Road Trip in a Box at Maguey Melate!


You Can't Judge a Mezcal by its Bottle


The Golden Age of Mezcal